E Voice: 1-780-424-3993
E Voice: 1-780-424-3993
Personal care cut backsThe WCB determined in 2013 that the workers again need cut backs. The policy for personal care allowance was changed not to assist workers. The policy actually disentitled most worker to benefits for personal care. When will the WCB be fair and just?
This has never been in my opinion addressed by the government and changes in policy to provide more rather then less for workers. 511 million dollars to employers in 2013 and decrease in monies paid to workers. How about taking the 511 million dollars and making employers place that returned funds to safely, health and support for injured workers. Gail Cumming
1 Comment
WCB sneaks around the corner- Exercise your rights.
In the last few days I have had several calls from workers where WCB has discouraged them to seek the assistance of a professional representative. Why would you not want an un-bias successful representative assisting you? This is NOT a fear that workers should have. WCB knows that some workers have a legitimate concern and appeal and we will get to the facts and expose the entitlement to be paid to workers. Do not fear help and knowledge,fear anyone that does not want you to seek knowledge, and assistance at a time of need. Remember you can afford the free call to us. If you can not afford independent representation then you need to obtain information to ensure your rights to compensation are being granted and ask WCB questions. Never fear an appeal; it is your right. Gail Cumming WCB can not be sued, they have exclusive jurisdiction which means the government can not tell WCB what to do.
The only issue that needs to be addressed is what government will address changing legislation as this is a report no the rules and legislation. Over one hundred years of WCB notgoverned and exclusive jurisdiction is unreasonable. |
February 2022